About Me:
Rubina Ramzan has spent her life for the betterment of our community. The Turning Point/breakthrough of her life was within the “OM WACT TEAM” where she spent more than 10 years from 1991 (till 9/11) serving Lord & working voluntarily. During that time in her life she grew in knowing the Lord personally. After 9/11 the WACT Team departed. During her time of serving on the OM WACT Team she realized that the best way of planting a seed of faith is in the lives of little children instead of adults. The key to transformation is beginning with the children. On this foundation she began the Miracle School Trust. You may read/know about the history of the Miracle School Trust in the vision section of our website.
I would like to share the message that the best development of this community in Pakistan is “Education of children” for a bright and prolonged future in Christ. I think the Miracle School trust is the best evidence for the other ministries we are involved in. I hope you will seriously consider becoming a friend of Miracle School Trust. This would be a very productive way of helping these children who need help now and ongoing support. Please consider making this positive and loving difference in their lives.
Rubina’s experience behind the vision of the Miracle School Trust is that learning from her own life’s ups and downs proved that one needs someone’s help to have transformation of life. With this vision, the Miracle School Trust came into being.