Life at Brick Kiln
The life of the brick kiln people is terribly hard in South Asian countries. They are Cultural Christians and living a demeaned and inhumane life.
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The life of the brick kiln people is terribly hard in South Asian countries. They are Cultural Christians and living a demeaned and inhumane life.
Education It is Miracle School Trust privilege that seek to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future through education. We support education
Masks usage, protection and teaching to the Brick kiln People: During Covid-19, as the masks use was compulsory but the brick kiln people were unable
Health, Hygiene and Covid-19 Aid: Unfortunately the covid-19 came like a nightmare for all of us but it became hunger crisis for the brick kiln
Direct Medical Aid: Miracle health programs can include direct healthcare provision. Miracle Schools’ Children receives regular medical vaccinations and treatments for good healthcare. As these
Why food is important for the brick kiln children: Both the Mobile schools’ children are lucky enough to get food on a daily basis. The